※ 해당 영상 제공처에서 영상 서비스를 중단할 경우 감상이 어려울 수 있습니다
[명인 소개 Introduction to the Master Performer]
피리 명인(Piri) - 이영(Lee Young)
이영 명인은 국립국악원 정악단에서 피리주자를 시작으로 부수석, 수석, 악장 및 예술감독을 역임하며 정악단의 중심역할을 해왔다. 서울대, 이화여대, 한양대, 한예종, 단국대, 추계예대, 수원대, 경북대, 전남대 등에서 많은 후학들을 양성해왔고, 국가무형문화재 [종묘제례악]과 [피리정악 및 대취타] 이수자로 현재까지도 정악의 보존과 계승을 위해 활발한 활동을 하고 있다.
Master Lee Young has been a key figure in the National Gugak Center's Court Music Orchestra. His journey began as a player of the piri, a traditional Korean bamboo flute, and he has since held various prominent positions such as assistant concertmaster, concertmaster, music director, and artistic director. Master Lee has also played a significant role in educating the next generation of musicians, teaching at renowned institutions like Seoul National University, Ewha Womans University, Hanyang University, Korea National University of Arts, Dankook University, Chugye University for the Arts, University of Suwon, Kyungpook National University, and Chonnam National University. Recognized for his mastery in both [Jongmyo Jeryeak] (Royal Ancestral Ritual Music of the Jongmyo Shrine) and [Piri Jeongak and Daechwita] (traditional Korean court and military music), which are part of Korea's National Intangible Cultural Heritage, Master Lee remains actively involved in preserving and passing on Jeongak, the traditional Korean court music.
[작품해설 Performance Descriptions]
피리독주 상령산(Piri Solo Sangryeongsan)
선비음악의 진수를 보여주는 [영산회상]을 4도 아래로 내려 조옮김하여 연주되는 [평조회상]은 8곡의 모음곡으로 이루어진 대규모의 관현악곡이다. 그 중 첫 곡인 상령산은 느리고 완만한 선율을 가진 곡으로, 피리 독주곡으로 연주할 때는 장단과 가락에 얽매이지 않고 긴 호흡과 다양한 장식으로 연주되는데, 특히 연주자의 자유로운 해석과 강약의 조화로움이 돋보이는 곡이다.
[Pyungjo Hoesang], masterfully performed by Master Lee Young, stands out as a majestic orchestral work that captures the quintessence of scholarly music. It is a unique rendition, transposed four pitches lower than its original version, [Yeongsan Hoesang]. This expansive suite is composed of eight distinct movements. The opening piece, [Sangryeongsan], is renowned for its slow, soothing melody. When played as a solo on the piri, it's performed without being bound by rhythmic patterns or melody lines. Instead, it's expressed through long, breathy phrases and a variety of ornamentations. This piece is particularly noted for the performer's free interpretation and the harmonious balance of intensity and softness.
[장소 The Place of Background Descriptions]
소쇄원 Soswaewon Garden
명승 제40호인 담양 소쇄원은 자연과 인공을 조화시킨 대표적인 조선 중기 원림(園林)으로 우리나라 선비의 절의와 고고한 품성을 닮아있다. 양산보(梁山甫, 1503-1557)가 조성한 것으로 양산보의 호인 소쇄옹(瀟灑翁)에서 비롯되었으며 맑고 깨끗하다는 뜻이 담겨있다. 지금의 소쇄원은 양산보의 5대손 양택지에 의해 보수된 모습이다.
Soswaewon Garden, nestled in Damyang and recognized as Scenic Site No. 40, stands as a quintessential example of a Joseon Dynasty mid-period garden, known as wonlim. This garden artfully merges the beauty of nature with man-made designs, reflecting the integrity and noble spirit typical of Korean scholars. It was originally created by Yang San-bo (1503-1557), and its name, Soswaewon, derived from his pen name, embodies the concepts of clarity and purity. The garden as it is today was beautifully restored by Yang San-bo's fifth-generation descendant, Yang Taek-ji.
무등산 서석대, 입석대 Seoseokdae and Ipseokdae of Mudeung Mountain
무등산 서석대와 입석대는 화산암의 주상절리가 발달 된 지형으로 광주의 절경을 한눈에 감상할 수 있는 전망대이다. 서석대는 저녁 노을빛이 반사되면 수정처럼 반짝거리기 때문에 [서석의 수정병풍]이라 전해지는데, 무등산을 서석산이라 부른 것도 서석대의 이러한 경관과 연관이 있다.
The Seoseokdae and Ipseokdae formations on Mudeung Mountain are remarkable for their volcanic columnar joints, providing visitors with a stunning panoramic view of Gwangju. Seoseokdae is particularly renowned for the way it sparkles like a crystal under the evening sunset, which has led to its nickname [Seoseok's Crystal Screen]. This enchanting sight is part of the reason why Mudeung Mountain was historically known as Seoseok Mountain, a name that pays homage to the mountain's breathtaking vistas, especially at Seoseokdae.